API Docs for: 1.1.0

a-configuration Module

Defined in: lib\index.js:3

Configurations load in 2 stages.

The first stage is a blocking file read to provide base data for the application and base configurations as described by the system.

The second stage is to load data from extended data sources in a non-blocking fashion. A _await property is provided as a Promise to allow for waiting for the full configuration load if desired.

Note that as this extends an EventEmitter, colliding key names should be avoided, such as "on" and "once". Due to the nature of the EventEmitter properties and for simplicity, Configuration merely extends the EventEmitter class so that configuration.on and similar methods are simply available without needing to remember referencing such as configuration._events.on, however the extended event emitted is also available as _events to allow for key collision if needed.

Additionally, this module binds a listener to the "SIGHUP" Process Event to trigger configuration reload events.

This module provides the following classes: